Breakdown Service: +385 1987
General Information: +385 18981
Information on Local and Long-distance Telephone Numbers: 988
Information on International Telephone Numbers: +385 11802
Forecast and Road Watch Report: +385 18166 | +385 72 777 777
Croatian Motoring Club: +385 1 1987
If you plan to stay in Croatia up to 90 days, all you will need is a valid passport. If you come from the European states, most of American states or Japan, you will not need to have visa. However, for additional certainty, please check the list of the countries whose citizens do not need visa to enter Croatia. For that matter, we present the list of the countries whose citizens are allowed to enter Croatia presenting only the personal ID card of their domicile state. To obtain updated information on visa regime, please visit the web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic Croatia (Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Republike Hrvatske) www.mvp.hr
The foreign tourists do not pay the services of medical emergency aid if Republic Croatia and their domicile state have signed the Convention on Health Care. Otherwise, the medical services will be charged directly from the beneficiary, in accordance to the price list. The health care facilities are accessible in all towns - hospitals and clinics in all larger cities, and infirmaries, health centres, and pharmacies in all smaller towns.